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1.  Name

The name of the club is The Westland Classic Motorcycle Club

(referred to in these rules as “the Club”).


2.  Objects

The object of the Club are:

  1.  To encourage enthusiasm for all motorcycles.

 To foster friendship between Club members by regular meetings CONSTITUTION OF The Westland Classic Motorcycle Club

  1. for discussions, talks, films, shows etc.

  2. To organize special events of interest, such as: Club Runs; Open-entry Charity Runs; Visits to Shows, Rallies, and Sporting Events.

  3. To promote relations with other appropriate organisations e.g. Vintage or One-make clubs.


3. Club Meetings

Committee meetings and members meetings will be held in accordance with the Club calendar on the Club’s website . Meetings will be normally held monthly.


4.  Membership

a) Membership is open to all individuals and organisations who accept the object and rules of the Club.

b) Individuals wishing to become members of the Club must apply for membership using the standard application form. There are two types of full membership and one special day membership.

i) Full membership, applicants must complete the application form and pay the appropriate annual fee at which time a membership number and card will be allocated. This category of member will have full voting rights at meetings.

ii) Honorary life membership. This is by invitation from the committee only and requires no membership fee. This category of member will have no voting rights.

iii) Day membership for event marshals or others acting on behalf of the club as a designated official at special events. This membership requires acceptance of temporary membership and acceptance of club rules by signature on the appropriate form. Day membership will cease at closure of the

event, there is no fee and no voting rights.

Full and Honorary members may bring a guest to club activities, guests will pay no fee and will not be allowed to take part in any vote.


c) The committee may determine whether or not to accept an application for membership.

The committee is not required to supply reasons for accepting or rejecting an application for membership.

d) Members must pay such fees as are determined by the Club at a general meeting.

e) A register of members must be kept by the Club showing the name, address, E Mail address (if available), contact details and date of commencement of membership for each member.  Provision for noting the date of cessation of membership must also be contained in the register. Data will be controlled in accordance with the club’s Privacy Policy to ensure compliance with GDPR.

f) Membership will cease upon resignation, expulsion, or failure to pay outstanding membership fees within three months of the due date.

g) Membership fees will fall due on the first day of each financial year of the Club.  The financial year of the Club will run from March 1st to February 28th (29th).


5.  Members' liability

The members of the Club will have no liability to contribute towards the payment of debts and liabilities of the Club or the costs, charges and expenses of the winding up of the Club except to the amount of any unpaid membership fees.


6.  Disciplining of members

a) A member may be expelled from membership of the Club (or otherwise disciplined) by the committee, if in the opinion of the committee, after affording the member an opportunity of offering an explanation of his/her conduct, the conduct is regarded as being detrimental to the interests of the Club.

b) A member who wishes to appeal against a decision expelling or otherwise disciplining him/her may do so by notifying the secretary in writing that s/he wishes the decision to be reviewed at the next general meeting of the Club.


7.  Disputes between members

In the event of a dispute arising between members (in their capacity as members), or between a member and the club, or a member and the committee, the following procedure will apply:

i) Each side of the dispute must nominate a representative who is not directly involved in the dispute.  Those representatives must then attempt to settle the dispute by negotiation.

ii) Should the nominated representatives be unable to resolve the dispute within 14 days (or such other period as they may agree upon) the dispute must be referred to a person mutually agreed upon for mediation.


8. Management—by committee

a) The Club will have its affairs controlled and managed by the office bearers and other members known as the committee.  The committee must act in accordance with any resolution passed by a general meeting of the Club.

b) The office bearers will be a Chairman, Vice Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer.  The office bearers will be elected by the new committee members at the Annual General Meeting. There will be a minimum of five elected members of the committee and additional committee members may be co-opted by the office bearers as deemed necessary.

c) The honorary positions of President and Vice President exist, appointments to these positions will be made as necessary by the committee, they will hold full voting rights.

d) Members of the committee must be elected at each annual general meeting and must be members of at least one year’s standing.  Any casual vacancy occurring in the committee may be filled by a member appointed by the committee.

e) Each member of the committee will hold office from the date of their election or appointment until the next annual general meeting.

f) Retiring committee members are eligible for re-election.

g) The committee must meet as often as necessary to conduct the business of the Club, and would normally be once in each month except December.

h) The quorum for meetings of the committee will be five of the committee members elected at the previous annual general meeting or subsequently co-opted in accordance with b).

i) Notice of committee meetings must be given at the previous committee meeting or by such other means as the committee may decide upon.

j) A member of the committee will cease to hold office upon resignation in writing; removal as a member of the Club; or absence from three successive committee meetings without approval by the committee.

k) The committee may function validly provided its number is not reduced below the quorum.  Should committee numbers fall below the quorum the remaining committee members may act only to appoint new committee members.

l) Questions arising at any meeting of the committee will be decided by a simple majority of votes of those present.  In case of an equality of votes the person appointed to chair the meeting may have a second or casting vote.

m) If within half an hour of the time appointed for a committee meeting a quorum is not present the meeting may be dissolved.

n) Additional meetings of the committee may be convened by the Chairman or any two members of the committee.


9.  General meetings

a) An annual general meeting of the Club must be held each year within six months from the end of the financial year of the Club.

b) The committee may, whenever it thinks fit, convene a general meeting of the Club.  A general meeting must be convened by the committee within three months of receiving a written request to do so from at least five per cent of the membership of the Club.

c) At least 14 days' notice of all general meetings and notices of motion must be given to members.  In the case of general meetings where a special resolution is to be proposed, notice of the resolution must be given to members at least 21 days before the meeting.

d) In the case of the annual general meeting the following business must be transacted:

i) confirmation of the minutes of the last annual general meeting and any recent special general meeting;

ii) receipt of the committee's report upon the activities of the Club

 in the last financial year;

iii) receipt and consideration of a statement from the committee which is not misleading and gives a true and fair view for the last financial year of the Club's, income and expenditure, assets and liabilities, mortgages, charges and other securities, trust properties..

iv) election of the new committee.

v) setting of annual membership fee for each type of membership.

e) The quorum for a general meeting is five members present in person.  If within half an hour of the time appointed for a general meeting a quorum is not present the meeting must be dissolved.

f) Voting at general meetings will be by a show of membership card, unless a secret ballot is demanded.  Decisions will be made by a simple majority vote of those members present at the meeting)

g)  All votes must be given personally, there will be no voting by proxy.

h) In the case of an equality of votes, the person appointed to chair the general meeting may have a second or casting vote.

i) Nominations of candidates for election as office bearers or other committee members may be made two weeks before the annual general meeting in writing to the secretary or in such other ways as may be determined by the Club at a general meeting.

j) Written notice of all general meetings must be given to members either personally, by post, or by direct electronic communication.

k) Members who have items of business they wish to be considered at a general meeting may give notice of such business to the secretary by writing or electronic communication.  The secretary must include that business in the next notice calling a general meeting.


10.  Office bearers

a) The Chairman or, in the Chairman’s absence, the vice-chairman will act as chairperson at each general meeting and committee meeting of the Club.

b) If the Chairman and vice-Chairman are absent from a meeting or unwilling to act, the members present at the meeting may elect one of their number to act as chairperson.

c) The secretary must ensure that records of the business of the Club including the rules, register of members, minutes of all general and committee meetings and a file of correspondence are kept.  These records must be available for inspection by any member and must be held in the custody of the secretary.

d) The treasurer must ensure that all money received by the Club is paid into an account in the Club's name.  Payments must be made through a petty cash system or by cheque signed by two signatories authorised by the committee.  Major or unusual expenditures must be authorised in advance by the committee or a general meeting.

e) The treasurer must ensure that correct books and accounts are kept showing the financial affairs of the Club.  These records must be available for inspection by the committee.


11.  Special resolutions

a) A special resolution must be passed by a general meeting of the Club to effect any of the following changes:

i) a change of the Club's name;

ii) a change of the Club's rules;

iii) a change of the Club's objects;

iv) an amalgamation with another club;

v) to voluntarily wind up the Club and distribute its property;

b) A special resolution may be passed in the following manner:

i) a notice must be sent to all members advising that a general meeting is to be held to consider a special resolution;

ii) the notice must give details of the proposed special resolution and give at least 21 days' notice of the meeting;

iii) a quorum must be present at the meeting; and

iv) a simple majority of those members present at the meeting must be in favour of the resolution.


12.  Miscellaneous

a) The funds of the Club may be derived from the fees of members donations, grants and such other sources approved by the Club.

c) In the event that the Club should be wound up any surplus property must be distributed in accordance with the result of a special resolution.

d) The income and property of the Club must be used only for promotion of the objects of the Club and must not be paid or transferred to members by way of dividend, bonus or profit.


March 2024

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